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  ‘Psychobabble’ lawyer Ellis Rubin dies at 81
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Last EditedRMF  Dec 13, 2006 08:29pm
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News DateTuesday, December 12, 2006 10:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionMIAMI - Longtime defense attorney Ellis Rubin, originator of such defenses as television intoxication leading to murder and nymphomania as prostitution's cause in a frequently unorthodox five-decade legal career, died Tuesday at 81.

His law firm said he died early Tuesday at his Miami home.

Rubin had battled cancer for more than six years, recently issuing a farewell statement from a Miami Beach hospital bed. But he remained active in his legal practice until nearly the end, winning his last case when he got a judge to rule that a Reform Party candidate for governor should be permitted in a gubernatorial debate.
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