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  GOP wants McCaskill to apologize for Katrina comments
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Last EditedNone Entered  Sep 08, 2006 08:57am
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MediaNewspaper - Kansas City Star
News DateFriday, September 8, 2006 02:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionSAM HANANEL
Associated Press
WASHINGTON - GOP lawmakers on Thursday blasted Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill for comments she made this week about President Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina.

During a meeting with Democratic political leaders in St. Louis on Wednesday, McCaskill remind people that, "George Bush let people die on rooftops in New Orleans because they were poor and because they were black."

The comments, first reported on the St. Louis political blog Pub Def Weekly, came during a discussion about Missouri Republican Sen. Jim Talent's efforts to woo black voters in the November election.
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