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  Hawai'i's first elected governor Quinn dies
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Last EditedJ.R.  Aug 29, 2006 04:20pm
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News DateTuesday, August 29, 2006 10:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionWilliam F. "Bill" Quinn, Hawaii's first elected governor, died last night in an infirmary at the Kahala Nui assisted living center, his wife Nancy said.
"He was 87, he lived a very full life," Nancy Quinn said.

She said her husband was injured in a fall in March and never fully recovered. The former governor apparently died from complications due to pneumonia about 9:25 last night, his wife said.

Quinn, a Republican, was first appointed to serve as governor of Hawai'i in 1957 "He was fine and alert almost to the very end," Nancy Quinn said. "We played cribbage the day before yesterday and he shuffled the cards and dealt them and counted his points.

"And the nurses flirted with him and he flirted right back."

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