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Last EditedChronicler  Aug 27, 2006 03:37pm
Logged 1 [Older]
News DateWednesday, May 3, 2006 09:35:00 PM UTC0:0
Description[Part of a longer article]

In a regional Democratic primary, 28-year House incumbent Rep. Edd Nye lost to William Brisson, a 59-year-old farmer and businessman from Dublin.

Brisson, who tried in 2004 to beat Nye, narrowly lost in his native Bladen County on Tuesday, but made up enough votes from Cumberland County voters to score the upset.

“I been up there ever since I lost the last time, working it,” Brisson said. “I just got out and talked to the people one-on-one, just tried to meet as many people as I possibly could.”

Brisson said Nye campaigned on his incumbency and the power he has built up through his three decades in the General Assembly. He served one term in the Senate.

Brisson said he made his campaign about people. He will be unopposed in the November general election.
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