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  'Grandma” Strayhorn: “I am Grandma!”
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Last EditedCOSDem  Jul 12, 2006 10:11pm
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News DateThursday, July 13, 2006 04:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionTexas Independent Candidate for Governor Carole Keeton “Grandma” Strayhorn today said Gov. Rick Perry’s Secretary of State overstepped his authority in refusing to allow her nickname on the ballot and announced she will fight the decision.

“I am Grandma,” Strayhorn said. “That is how people know me and address me. It’s not surprising, but it is disappointing that Gov. Perry’s hand-picked secretary of state decided to make this a political issue and discriminate against who I am: “Grandma.” He should have accepted my nickname as I submitted it months ago. Instead, he did the Governor’s dirty work as directed. Why is Rick Perry so afraid of Grandma Strayhorn?

“It is absurd and disturbing that the state’s chief election official will resort to playing political games that are clearly designed to give his boss – the Governor – a political advantage,” she said.
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