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  Richard Lugar Announcement Speech
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Last EditedChronicler  May 13, 2006 06:59am
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News DateWednesday, April 19, 1995 12:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionTwenty-eight years ago, I came to you, my friends and neighbors in my home town, to say that I would like to serve as your mayor to unite the real city of Indianapolis, and to forge a new standard of excellence that would inspire a nation whose cities were in crisis.

Today, surrounded by so many achievements of great Hoosiers who shared our vision and built to fulfill those dreams, I come to you with a new vision for our country.

I come to declare that I am a candidate for President of the United States.

As President of the United States, I will establish a new foundation for American optimism and strength. Together, we will exercise and enjoy the American Advantage. That advantage is our unique ability to build a new economic future for ourselves and our families; to assert strong and creative American leadership in the world; and to reinvigorate our traditional values of religious faith, of family, honesty, and integrity.

Americans want a leader they can trust...
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