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  CA-50: Loser Roach Still Running Radio Ads
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Last EditedArmyDem  Apr 19, 2006 12:06am
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CategoryBlog Entry
News DateTuesday, April 18, 2006 06:05:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionPosted by DavidNYC

Most people shut down their campaign operations when they lose an election. But not millionaire self-funder Eric Roach:

Businessman Eric Roach may have narrowly lost the 50th District congressional special election, but he hasn't stopped running radio spots. One that will begin on several stations today thanks his supporters and urges them to “stay engaged.”

The ad is sure to fuel more speculation about whether Roach will challenge Congressman-turned-lobbyist Brian Bilbray in June's primary election, which is the same day as the 50th District runoff. Stan Devereux, Roach's communications director, said Roach would make the decision within a few weeks.

“It was important for Eric to thank the supporters and volunteers who worked hard to elect a conservative to Congress,” Devereux said. “And I'm sure they will be waiting to hear Eric's decision.”

I explained the craziness surrounding the possible June 6th primary in this earlier post. As far as a Roach challenge goes, my fingers are crossed, knock wood, don't walk under any ladders, and all of that!
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