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   Fields Won't Run Against Landrieu
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Last EditedRP  Aug 08, 2002 02:56pm
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News DateThursday, August 8, 2002 08:56:35 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionStriking a blow toRepublican hopes in the Pelican State, former Rep.Cleo Fields (D) announced Tuesday he would not run for the seat currently held bySen.Mary Landrieu (D).

Fields, an African-American, could have divided Landrieu's base in the black community. He held the 4th district from 1992 to 1996 and ran for governor in 1995.

Fields beat out Landrieu for a spot in the gubernatorial runoff againstMikeFoster (R) and was miffed thatLandrieu did not support him as actively as he had hoped. Fields offered only a tepid endorsement of Landrieu's 1996 Senate bid.
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