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  Abramoff gets 70 months for Florida fraud
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Last EditedRP  Mar 29, 2006 01:05pm
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CategoryLegal Ruling
MediaWebsite - Yahoo News
News DateWednesday, March 29, 2006 06:30:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionJack Abramoff, a disgraced lobbyist at the heart of a Washington influence-peddling scandal that has rattled top Republicans, was sentenced to nearly six years in prison on Wednesday for fraud in the purchase of a Florida casino cruise line.

Abramoff, who is cooperating in a federal investigation into whether Washington politicians gave his clients favorable treatment in exchange for campaign contributions, Super Bowl tickets and other illegal gifts, was sentenced to 5 years and 10 months in prison.

Abramoff, along with co-defendant Adam Kidan, was ordered to pay $21.7 million in restitution. Kidan was also sentenced to 5 years and 10 months in prison.

In a recent Vanity Fair interview, Abramoff said that he worked closely with many top Republicans and said if they denied it, they were lying.
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