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  Democrats look across the lake to add seats in Olympia
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Last EditedRalphie  Mar 27, 2006 12:01pm
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MediaNewspaper - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
News DateMonday, March 27, 2006 05:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionWith a monopoly on Seattle's 18 legislative seats, Democrats are hoping to expand their domain across Lake Washington by capitalizing this election season on urban issues and values that have also spanned the water.

The Evergreen Point Bridge is a direct route -- and a key issue -- to the suburban district they'd love to own next, the 48th in Bellevue.

But while Republicans admit the 48th is no longer their exclusive turf -- one House seat already has been captured by a Democrat and another is held by a Republican who defected from the party this month -- they say the Senate seat currently occupied by Luke Esser won't be a giveaway.

"I'll be the first to confess, it's a competitive district," he said. "But I don't think it's changed radically, or much at all, in the last couple years."

He pointed out that Democrats John Kerry and Patty Murray did well in and around Bellevue in 2004.

"But Dino (Rossi) beat Gov. (Christine) Gregoire, (Rob) McKenna did extremely well, Sam Reed and Doug Sutherland won the district, we have a Republican County Council member for most of the district," he said.

Nonetheless, some recent developments indicate the former Republican stronghold is not nearly as solid as it once was for anti-tax, social conservatives.
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