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  Connecticut Senate: Lieberman in Command
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Last EditedScottĀ³  Jan 27, 2006 05:50pm
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News DateFriday, January 27, 2006 11:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionRasmussen Reports Poll.

An excerpt...
"Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman (D) faces grumbling and discontent from the left wing of his own party about his position on Iraq. Additionally, former Governor Lowell Weicker, has threatened to run as an Independent because of his unhappiness with Lieberman's position on Iraq. The overall level of grumbling is intense enough that Lieberman recently indicated he would run as an Independent if he does not win his party's nomination.

Despite all of that, Lieberman appears to be one of the nation's safest incumbents heading into Election 2006. A month ago, we found Lieberman leading Weicker by more than 20 percentage points in a head-to-head match-up.

This month, we offered survey respondents a choice between Lieberman, Weicker, and an unnamed Republican candidate. Lieberman still leads by more than 20 points, earning 47% of the vote. Weicker attracts 25% while the Republican trails badly at 16%. Lieberman gets 33% of the vote from Republicans.

Lieberman is viewed favorably by 71% of the state's voters, Weicker by 44%."
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