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  Tories find their stride in Quebec
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ContributorUser 13 
Last EditedUser 13  Jan 07, 2006 05:14pm
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News DateSaturday, January 7, 2006 11:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionIn November, a poll put Stephen Harper's Conservatives in fifth place in Quebec, behind the Green Party. Now, suddenly, the party appears poised to make inroads in the province - and perhaps even win a few seats.

The latest Ipsos Reid survey, conducted between Monday and Thursday and to be made public today, pegs Conservative support in Quebec at 19 per cent, a seven-point jump from late December.

Until two weeks ago, the party was stalled at seven per cent. In the last election, it got just under nine per cent of Quebec votes.

The Ipsos Reid poll, conducted for CanWest News Service and Global News, indicates Bloc Quebecois support fell seven points to 45 per cent. Liberals dropped three points, to 23 per cent.

"People in Quebec are taking a look at us as a valid alternative to the Liberals in Ottawa," Lawrence Cannon, Harper's Quebec lieutenant and the Conservative candidate in Pontiac, said in an interview yesterday.
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