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  Quinn elected as NY City Council speaker
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Last EditedCOSDem  Jan 04, 2006 01:41pm
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News DateWednesday, January 4, 2006 07:40:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionChristine Quinn was elected Wednesday to be the first woman and first openly gay person to head the City Council, promising to make government accessible to all New Yorkers.

During a passionate speech to the 51-member body that had just elevated her to be its leader, Quinn wept several times, thanking her father and her partner, who looked on from the audience.

"Let me say that I am incredibly proud that in the most diverse city in the world, diversity is seen as a strength, and not an impediment," Quinn said.

She is the third speaker since 1990, when the position was created. It is widely regarded as the second-most powerful seat in city government, mostly because of its influence over budget matters. Term limits forced out her predecessor, Gifford Miller, whose run for mayor fell flat last year.
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