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  Weicker Targets Bush, Lieberman And Iraq War
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Last EditedMadViking  Dec 05, 2005 11:47pm
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News DateTuesday, December 6, 2005 05:45:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionHARTFORD, Conn. -- Former Gov. Lowell P. Weicker Jr. said today that Sen. Joe Lieberman deserves a stiff challenge in next year's re-election campaign, though he said he would not take up a grudge match against the Democrat who ousted him from the U.S. Senate in 1988.

Speaking at a luncheon of the Rotary Club of Hartford, Weicker took numerous swings at Lieberman and President Bush over the Iraq war.

"I have seen this country propagandized into war," Weicker said. "It's now a second wave of propagandizing, with the president taking the stump, joined by persons like Senator Joe Lieberman."
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