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  Bob Woodward, the Dumb Blonde of American Journalism
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Last EditedCOSDem  Nov 28, 2005 09:37pm
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CategoryBlog Entry
News DateTuesday, November 29, 2005 03:00:00 AM UTC0:0
Description"I've spent my life," Bob Woodward told Larry King last week, "trying to find out what's really hidden, what's in the bottom of the barrel." (Maybe I'm not up on my barrel bottoms, Bob, but isn't it usually scum?)

I found myself thinking about Woodward and his most recent work yesterday as I read Frank Rich's latest takedown of the administration's cover up of "wrongdoing in the executive branch between 9/11 and shock and awe":

Each day brings slam-dunk evidence that the doomsday threats marshaled by the administration to sell the war weren't, in Cheney-speak, just dishonest and reprehensible but also corrupt and shameless... The web of half-truths and falsehoods used to sell the war did not happen by accident; it was woven by design and then foisted on the public by a P.R. operation built expressly for that purpose in the White House.

During the time of this "wrongdoing" Woodward was writing two books on the administration -- "Bush at War" and "Plan of Attack" - and enjoyed unparalleled access to many of those guiding the aforementioned P.R. operation, including head shills Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby, and Andy Card.

So how come Woodward, supposedly the preeminent investigative reporter of our time, missed the biggest story of our time -- a story that was taking place right under his nose?

Some would say it's because he's carrying water for the Bushies. I disagree. I think it's because he's the dumb blonde of American journalism, so awed by his proximity to power that he buys whatever he's being sold.
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