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   Democrat Ritter Holds Early Lead in Colorado (Governor Race)
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Last EditedScottĀ³  Nov 26, 2005 02:20pm
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News DateWednesday, October 19, 2005 08:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionMason-Dixon Poll for the Denver Post.

An excerpt...
"Former Denver district attorney Bill Ritter could become the next governor of the Centennial State, according to a poll by Mason-Dixon Polling and Research Inc. published in the Denver Post. At least 41 per cent of respondents in Colorado would vote for the Democrat in head-to-head contests against two prospective Republican rivals."

"The next election is scheduled for November 2006. Ritter holds a six-point lead over United States congressman Bob Beauprez, and an 11-point advantage over former president of the University of Denver Marc Holtzman.

Since 1951, the Centennial State has had four Republican and four Democratic heads of government.

Polling Data

If the 2006 election for gopvernor were held today, for whom would you vote if the candidates were...

Bill Ritter (D) 42% - 36% Bob Beauprez (R)
Bill Ritter (D) 41% - 30% Marc Holtzman (R)"
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