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  Philadelphia City Controller: Editorial | Alas, no endorsement
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedScottĀ³  Oct 24, 2005 12:16pm
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MediaNewspaper - Philadelphia Inquirer
News DateMonday, October 24, 2005 06:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionPhiladelphia Inquirer editorial.

No Endorsement in the City Controllers' race.

An excerpt...
"If there was ever a time that Philadelphia needed an elected City Controller who is a truly independent watchdog over public spending, it's now.

An ongoing federal investigation of corruption in City Hall already has seen a former city treasurer convicted of taking bribes. The mayor's top fund-raiser died of cancer before his court date. A councilman fears indictment.

Amid all that, Philadelphians will choose their next controller Nov. 8 from among three candidates. The controller is supposed to make sure the public's money is being spent in the public interest, not on wasteful practices or pay-to-play shenanigans.

Unfortunately, none of the three candidates is worthy of endorsement. Two of the candidates don't measure up to the demands of the job. The third is well-qualified, but showed a disturbing lapse in judgment this year in Harrisburg."
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