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  Uzbeks Step Up Pressure on U.S. To Leave Air Base
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Last EditedRP  Aug 26, 2005 07:18pm
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MediaNewspaper - New York Times
News DateSaturday, August 27, 2005 01:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionUzbekistan on Friday put further pressure on the United States to withdraw troops from an air base near the Afghan border with a parliamentary vote demanding that the American military go home.

Friday's unanimous vote by the Uzbek senate, parliament's upper house, comes a day before it and other former Soviet states hold a summit in Kazan, Russia.

"Wherever American bases crop up, so does a fundamentalist mood and so do enemies of America, and we don't want to be caught between the two,'' Nuriddin Zainiyev, the governor of Kashkadar Region where the base is located, told parliament.
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