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  [NH Gov] Lynch's Approval Up In Latest Poll
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Last EditedArmyDem  Jul 30, 2005 02:50pm
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News DateSaturday, July 30, 2005 08:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionAmong Those Surveyed, 69 Percent Were In Favor Of Governor

POSTED: 2:17 pm EDT July 30, 2005
UPDATED: 2:42 pm EDT July 30, 2005

DURHAM, N.H. -- Gov. John Lynch is getting high marks for his job performance, according to the latest University of New Hampshire poll.

The Granite State Poll found that 61 percent of those questioned approve of Lynch's performance as governor, while 12 percent disapprove and 26 percent are neutral.

That marks a jump of 8 percentage points since the last Granite State Poll, which was conducted in April. At that time, 53 percent of those asked approved of Lynch's performance.

The latest poll, which questioned 504 people between July 7-17, was conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points.

A majority also said they had a favorable opinion of Lynch in general. Among those polled, 69 percent said that have a favorable opinion of him. Eleven percent said they have an unfavorable opinion, 9 percent are neutral and 11 percent didn't know.

The poll also found that New Hampshire residents consider solving the education funding dilemma the most pressing problem facing the state. Twenty-seven percent said that was the most important problem.
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