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  Bush hints at nominee, but is silent on name
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ContributorUser 13 
Last EditedUser 13  Jul 17, 2005 09:12am
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News DateSunday, July 17, 2005 03:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionPresident Bush gave the nation several clues yesterday about the person he will nominate for a seat on the Supreme Court, except for the most important one: a name.

In his weekly radio address, Bush said that his eventual nominee will be a "fair-minded individual who represents the mainstream of American law and American values." His candidate also "will meet the highest standards of intellect, character and ability and will pledge to faithfully interpret the Constitution and laws of our country," the president said.

"Our nation deserves, and I will select, a Supreme Court justice that Americans can be proud of," he said, without revealing the name that many are anxious to hear.
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