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  Minnesota stalemate might haunt Pawlenty, legislators in ’06
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Last EditedEric  Jul 13, 2005 04:16pm
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MediaNewspaper - Sioux Falls Argus-Leader
News DateWednesday, July 13, 2005 10:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionMinnesota lawmakers finally worked out a deal early Saturday to end an eight-day standoff that partially shut down state government.

A special session was convened to deal with the budget stalemate centering on Republican support for a casino at Canterbury Downs race track and Democrats looking to increase corporate taxes.

Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Republican and Democratic Farmer-Labor legislators might herald the apparent end of the standoff as a great victory, but some Minnesota constituents might not soon forgive them. In fact, they might remember Pawlenty and the legislators they think are responsible when it comes time to vote in 2006.

That’s the case with several constituents in southwest Minnesota, where I talked with 34 voters in the Luverne area last week.

Thirty respondents said they would consider voting against someone who was responsible for the situation.
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