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  [Philadelphia Mayor] Sources say GOP courting Dougherty
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Last EditedScottĀ³  Jun 24, 2005 02:07pm
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MediaNewspaper - Philadelphia Inquirer
News DateFriday, June 24, 2005 08:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionPhiladelphia Inquirer article.

An excerpt...
"Itching to find a competitive candidate to run for Philadelphia mayor in 2007, Republican Party leaders have approached a Democrat, electricians' union leader John Dougherty.

Already exploring a mayoral run, Dougherty is not any old Democrat. He is the treasurer of the Democratic City Committee.

Recently, state Republican leaders asked Dougherty whether he would consider switching sides, according to a political operative familiar with the GOP-Dougherty talks.

Asked about the contact from GOP leaders, Dougherty spokesman Frank Keel said only that "the Republican leadership in the city and state are frequently in touch with John Dougherty on a myriad of issues."

He said Dougherty "works well with Democrats and Republicans," but "remains a Democrat."

Although House Speaker John Perzel (R., Phila.) said last night that he had no conversations with Dougherty, he quipped: "Not that it's a bad idea."
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