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   Democrats put Pombo on their list; Longtime GOP congressman may face tough race next year
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ContributorUser 13 
Last EditedUser 13  Jun 16, 2005 09:36pm
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MediaNewspaper - San Francisco Chronicle
News DateSunday, June 5, 2005 03:35:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionDemocratic leaders, looking for districts they think they can win in 2006 to regain control of the House after a dozen years, are eyeing the seat of the lone Republican in the Democratic-dominated Bay Area -- powerful Rep. Richard Pombo of Tracy.

Pombo, a rancher first elected in 1992 whose district straddles the Altamont Pass, was one of 12 Republican House members targeted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee over the Memorial Day weekend with radio ads. In the ads, they were attacked for their recent vote against the Democrats' proposal to extend medical coverage for National Guardsmen and reservists returning from service in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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