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  [CA-48] GOP leader will stay in post: Senate's Ackerman changes his mind on running for Congress.
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Last EditedScottĀ³  Jun 15, 2005 12:06am
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MediaNewspaper - Sacramento Bee
News DateTuesday, June 14, 2005 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionSacramento Bee article.

An excerpt...
"State Senate Republican leader Dick Ackerman dropped plans Monday to run for Congress after facing a potentially consuming GOP primary fight against another Irvine Republican senator, John Campbell.

Ackerman instead will remain as Senate Republican leader, a post he has held since May 2004. He said the congressional campaign would have drained too much of his time away from the Capitol, where he expects to help negotiate a contentious budget this summer and back Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's pursuit of several ballot initiatives into November.

"It's going to be a very competitive race," Ackerman said. "My choice was to spend the next four to six months in full campaign mode, which would be necessary to win that seat - versus staying as Senate Republican leader, trying to solve the budget, trying to work on the special election and really doing some significant things for California."

Ackerman sought the congressional seat when President Bush earlier this month nominated Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Newport Beach, to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission."
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