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  Saxton gives [OR] governor's race another go
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Last EditedArmyDem  Mar 28, 2005 03:03pm
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News DateMonday, March 28, 2005 09:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionMarch 25, 2005

Portland attorney Ron Saxton, who finished third in the 2002 Republican gubernatorial primary, said today he'll likely seek the nomination in 2006.

Saxton said he's putting together an exploratory committee for Oregon's top post. "We're actively exploring putting together a campaign," he said. "And if it goes as well as I think it will, then I will be running."

Saxton, a business attorney with Portland firm Ater Wynne, is likely to square off against Kevin Mannix, who narrowly lost to Democratic Gov. Ted Kulongoski in the general election. Mannix has said informally that he's also seeking the nomination.

State Sen. Jason Atkinson (R-Central Point) said this week he's also "seriously considering" a run, and will likely reach a decision on the matter in the next six months.
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