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  HANDLIN'S LATEST REFORMS: Whistle-blowers may be protected
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Contributor*crickets chirp* 
Last Edited*crickets chirp*  Mar 23, 2005 05:26pm
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MediaNewspaper - Asbury Park Press
News DateWednesday, March 23, 2005 11:25:00 PM UTC0:0
Description"FREEHOLD — Monmouth County government employees who blow the whistle on unscrupulous supervisors would have greater protection from bosses who try to retaliate against them, under the latest wave of government reforms proposed by Amy H. Handlin, deputy freeholder director.

"The first phase was designed to get at structural and procedural issues," Handlin said. "This set goes to behavioral issues, which can be even harder to deal with. I believe just talking openly about these issues (is helpful) because transparency is inimical to dishonesty."

Handlin unveiled the first phase of her plan to restore public trust in government on March 1, a week after an FBI investigation into public corruption led to the arrest of 11 Monmouth County officials and county employees."

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