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  Ex-N.H. Gov., Meldrim Thomson, dies at age 89
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ContributorUser 13 
Last EditedUser 13  Mar 12, 2005 09:01pm
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News DateSaturday, April 21, 2001 02:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionFormer Gov. Meldrim Thomson, whose support of conservative causes outraged liberals while his fiery antitax stance brought him three terms in office, died yesterday. He was 89.

Thomson, who had Parkinson's disease and had three heart attacks and a stroke during the 1990s, died at home.

The political career of the ex-governor, farmer, lawyer, columnist, publisher and tax fighter was among the most turbulent of the century in New Hampshire.

Thomson, a onetime political science instructor who had an encyclopedic knowledge of political history, would deflect criticisms that he was stuck in the 19th century by declaring that his philosophy actually was older than that.

"Mel Thomson was Ronald Reagan before Ronald Reagan was president," said Charles Perkins, vice president of editorial for The Union Leader of Manchester, which strongly supported Thomson throughout his career. "Thomson and Reagan shared a common philosophy, but more than that, a straightforward style of political leadership, which resounded strongly with everyday people."
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