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  [Former Czech Prime Minister] Zeman takes on cohorts in book
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News DateFriday, March 11, 2005 12:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionFormer Prime Minister Milos Zeman couldn't have hoped for better timing to launch his memoirs. The 250-page book by the man who helped build the modern-day Social Democratic Party (CSSD) is flying off the shelves just as the governing coalition is being rocked by scandals putting the credibility of Prime Minister Stanislav Gross in question — and just as a CSSD party congress is slated that will see a neo-Zemanite challenge to the current party leadership.

Titled How I've Erred in Politics, Zeman's book contains scathing, at times even embarrassing, critiques of a host of prominent Social Democrats. While current European Commissioner Vladimir Spidla, who took over as party chairman after Zeman stepped down in 2001, is belittled and pitied, current party leader Gross is ridiculed as an undereducated simpleton with an unsavory attraction to wealth.
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