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  Legislator wants to protect property that flies the coop
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Last EditedCBlock941  Feb 03, 2005 08:08am
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CategoryProposed Legislation
MediaNewspaper - South Florida Sun-Sentinel
News DateThursday, February 3, 2005 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionFinders keepers? Not if a local legislator succeeds in passing legislation inspired by a pricey parrot that flew away after Hurricane Frances.

The hyacinth macaw is safely back home on a Loxahatchee farm, but not before some wrangling, some surreptitious tape recordings and an arrest for grand theft.

Gone are the days when a neighbor automatically gives back something that's not his, law enforcement officials say. So almost five months later, this nameless parrot has prompted state Rep. Mary Brandenburg to introduce a bill dealing with the return of lost items -- including pets -- to their rightful owners.
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