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  First Lady Sandy Wise speaks out.....stands by husband.
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Last EditedNot in Public Domain  May 23, 2003 12:31pm
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MediaNewspaper - Charleston Daily Mail
News DateFriday, May 23, 2003 06:31:16 PM UTC0:0
Description“Nineteen years ago, I married one of the most decent individuals I have ever met.

What caused him to stray from our marriage is an issue solely for us as husband and wife. It is not a topic that belongs to anyone else. Our family is very strong, and we are deeply committed to one another. The impact of this has not been insignificant.

I am very angry, and the children are disappointed in their father. But that has not changed how much we love him. We still love and respect him for all the reasons we always have. Out of our love for one another, we are united in our determination to make our family whole again.

I want to thank all the friends who have offered us words of kindness and support. Their thoughts and prayers have made us even stronger.”

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