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  Moroz speech in Odessa hindered by orange-throwing opponents
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Last Edited411 Name Removed  Dec 30, 2004 11:13pm
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News DateSaturday, December 18, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionMr. Yanukovych’s supporters tried to disrupt a demonstration held for Yushchenko in Odesa. Oleksandr Moroz was to deliver a speech at the rally. According to Ukrainski Novyny, 3,000 of Mr. Yushchenko’s backers gathered at Kulykivskie Field. The meeting followed a rally in favor of Yanukovych in the same place.

Some of Yanukovych’s supporters stayed behind. They set up speakers, turned on loud music and threw oranges at their opponents.
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