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  Negative campaign irks both sides (IN House 26)
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedWabash  Oct 30, 2004 09:45am
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MediaNewspaper - Lafayette Journal and Courier
News DateSaturday, October 30, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionSome supporters of the two candidates for House District 26 are pointing fingers at the opponent's camp for turning negative during the final week of a race that has statewide implications.

Others say they are disgusted at the turn the campaign has taken, while still others hardly expected anything more.

Huge sums of money that have been raised by the Joe Micon and Connie Basham campaigns the past three weeks have been behind the ads centering on their stances, including three spots that went on the attack the past week -- one against Basham and two against Micon.
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