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  Conn. sees campaign attention
Parent(s) Race 
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Last EditedNone Entered  Oct 25, 2004 12:43pm
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MediaCollege Newspaper - Yale Daily News
News DateThursday, October 21, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionWidely considered to be a solidly blue state since 1992, Connecticut has nonetheless attracted attention from both presidential candidates in recent weeks.

Though spending has been limited from both parties, the Democratic Party has focused on mobilizing Connecticut volunteers to assist campaigning in swing states. Meanwhile, close poll numbers have led Republicans to devote more resources than might be expected to Connecticut, which has voted strongly in favor of Democratic candidates in the past three presidential elections.

"We think we can catch people by surprise," said Brian Farnen, executive director of Connecticut Victory 2004, the state's Republican campaign organization. "We think that the President's leadership after Sept. 11 still resonates in Connecticut and New Jersey. The fact of the matter is no one would expect these states to be polling so strongly for the President."
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