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  Autumn of a crusader: Christian soldier Billy Graham on farewell tour
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Last Editedparticleman  Oct 23, 2004 02:10am
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News DateSaturday, October 23, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe early crusades were not a shining moment for Christianity. A lot of pain was inflicted in the name of goodness. On the other hand, the crusades of evangelist Billy Graham will likely stand as hallmarks of Christianity in the 20th century. They have offered goodness to those in pain.
And at age 85, after a year away from the pulpit because of a broken hip — which he suffered while in the hospital — the Rev. Graham was back hoisting his Bible again for a four-day series of crusades (Oct. 7-10) at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City.
Billy Graham charged onto the national stage in 1949 with a crusade in Los Angeles that set all records. He was scheduled to preach for three weeks. He stayed for eight. A later crusade in London went on for 12 weeks. And a crusade in New York's Madison Square Garden in 1957 ran on for 16 weeks. It's no wonder then that on his final swing the Rev. Graham has elected to bring things full circle. The next two crusades for the evangelist will be in Los Angeles in November and New York in June. After that, he is expected to hand the reins of the ministry over to his son Franklin.
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