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  Poll Shows Mikulski Leads Steele by 17 Points in Match-Up
Parent(s) Race 
ContributorSherlock Holmes (a retired OC public servant collecting his pension) 
Last EditedSherlock Holmes (a retired OC public servant collecting his pension)  May 10, 2003 10:17pm
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News DateSunday, May 11, 2003 04:17:48 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionIncumbent Senator Barbara Mikulski's name is recognized favorably by 57% of Maryland voters surveyed, unfavorably by 24%, and neutrally by 17%. The remaining 2% didn't recognize Milukski's name.

Sixty-three percent said they approve of the job Mikulski is doing as U.S. Senator, while 22% disapprove. The remaining 15% offered no answer.

To test Mikulski's strength against one of the bigger potential weapons in the Republican arsenal, we matched her against Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele. Mikulski leads Steele 54% to 37% with 9% undecided.

To give the GOP any chance in a contest against a candidate as formidable as the diminutive Mikulski, it seems to us, the party is going to have to put forth a nominee with some credibility and stature, such as the recently elected Lieutenant Governor.
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