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  Democrats joust in appraiser race
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Last EditedQbanito  Aug 17, 2004 11:05pm
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MediaNewspaper - Miami Herald
News DateWednesday, August 11, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionJ.R. Markham was courting the elderly ladies in the front row, handing out campaign cards as he seeks to follow his father as Broward County's property appraiser.

''Wonderful people,'' a smiling Marion Klarfeld said, as Markham moved on to work the crowd at a recent Democratic club meeting in Coconut Creek. She held a flier showing the candidate with his mother, brother, and the late William Markham, who died in March after 35 years in office.

``It couldn't be a better background.''

J.R. Markham, 24, has built his campaign on that sentiment, presenting himself as the natural choice to succeed his father, the county's longest-serving politician and among its best-loved at the time of his death.

But veteran County Commissioner Lori Parrish, Markham's chief opponent heading into the Aug. 31 Democratic primary, points to another part of Markham's background: youth and inexperience.

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