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  Libertarian veep nominee touting fake doctorate
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Last EditedBob  Aug 16, 2004 01:04pm
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CategoryPress Release
News DateMonday, August 16, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionLast month we wrote about Libertarian Presidential nominee Michael Badnarik refusing to get a driver's license, use zip codes, or pay federal income taxes. It turns out his Vice Presidential nominee is just as unconventional. Psychologist and attorney Rich Campagna occasionally touts himself as "Dr. Campagna" and holds himself out as "a multi-disciplinary professional." What makes no sense is why a guy with real Ivy League B.A. and M.A. degrees, another legit M.A. degree, and a real J.D. degree, would need to embellish his resume by adding a Ph.D. from the American College of Metaphysical Theology. If you'd like a Ph.D. from that school, you can get it for just $249 (see the school's website, as they're for sale right from the homepage).
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