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  Critical Mass for Kerry
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Last EditedTony82  Jun 07, 2004 02:40am
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MediaNewspaper - Washington Post
News DateSunday, June 6, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionIn 2002 Bush approved Yucca Mountain as the permanent site. Congress said Nevada's governor could veto the selection but that his veto could be overridden by majorities in both houses. He vetoed it; Congress overrode him.

By this protracted dance of democracy the interests of an American majority -- 161 million live within 75 miles of today's storage sites -- prevailed, respectfully, over the objections of an intense minority, the approximately 2 million people who live in southern Nevada. Kerry's willingness to overturn this accommodation reflects a cold, and factually correct, calculation having nothing to do with the national interest: For the intense and compact Nevada minority, unlike for the diffuse American majority, this is a vote-determining issue.

Kerry's message to Nevadans -- essentially, "I feel your hypothetical pain" -- testifies to his readiness to do whatever it takes to win.
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