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  Crowded (NJ) GOP Gubernatorial Field Hard To Handicap
Parent(s) Race 
Contributor*crickets chirp* 
Last Edited*crickets chirp*  May 16, 2004 01:22pm
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MediaWebsite - PoliticsNJ.com
News DateSunday, May 16, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
Description" Who needs "American Idol" or "Survivor?" New Jerseyans who like reality shows, a little bloodletting, and seeing some contestants who are in over their heads can tune in to the competition for the state's Republican nomination for governor. The list of likely, probable, and possible candidates for the GOP's nod to run against Democratic incumbent, Gov. Jim McGreevey, is already long even though the primary election is a year away. The Republican hopefuls are no doubt encouraged by McGreevey's poor standing in the polls. But they also seem to recognize that this Governor is quite capable of bouncing back and is working on doing just that.

As such, McGreevey's would-be opponents may be calculating that they must get out early to define themselves, to raise some money, and to demonstrate that they can stop, or at least slow down, the incumbent from redefining himself. This is a standard way of attempting to develop support and momentum for one's candidacy. But before the many Republicans thinking about running for governor get ahead of themselves, they would be wise to consider a few questions. One is, will New Jerseyans be paying any attention to the GOP's gubernatorial sweepstakes while the presidential campaigns are being conducted? The other is whether the long list of Republican hopefuls indicates some genuine enthusiasm or optimism in the party, or does it reveal fragmentation and disagreement about its direction."

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