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  [WV]Democratic gubernatorial candidates debate Thursday
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ContributorUser 490 
Last EditedUser 490  Apr 17, 2004 11:31pm
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MediaNewspaper - Parkersburg News & Sentinel
News DateSaturday, April 17, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionA standing-room-only crowd listened Thursday in Wheeling as, for the first time, all leading candidates for governor of West Virginia gathered for a debate. The event was sponsored by Hopeful City and the Ogden Newspapers.

Democratic candidates Joe Manchin, Lloyd Jackson, Jim Lees and Louis Davis spoke on their ideas relating to economic development, health care, unfunded pension and Workers' Compensation liabilities and gambling.
All candidates agreed that creating jobs in West Virginia was an issue of paramount importance in this election.

"All the problems in this state revolve around jobs," Manchin said.
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