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  [MN Lt. Gov] Molnau, Yecke caught in a crossfire [and shouldn't be]
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ContributorPragCon 3.0 
Last EditedPragCon 3.0  Apr 15, 2004 09:27am
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News DateThursday, April 15, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionWorthington Daily Globe Editorial

An Education Committee grilling of Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s Education Commissioner, Cheryl Pierson Yecke, will take place next week. Meanwhile, Lt. Gov. Carol Molnau has been targeted by state DFLers seeking to derail her nomination as Transportation Commissioner. Democrats want to portray Molnau as narrow-minded and tied too closely to the House Republican caucus. But even her critics admit to her personal popularity, and that she is clearly a capable leader.

The question remains — is that justification for casting her out?

The case against Molnau makes state DFLers look as if they’re playing sour-grapes politics. Their gripes against Yecke might have more legitimacy — but in Yecke’s case, too, Democrats seem to be reaching.
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