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  Illinois Chamber of Commerce
CategoryInterest Group
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Last ModifiedAshley March 26, 2013 01:51pm
DescriptionThe Illinois Chamber of Commerce is the largest broad-based business association in Illinois, serving businesses of all sizes and industry sectors. Headquartered in Springfield with a regional office in Chicago, the Illinois Chamber serves as your frontline advocate for business in the state capitol by influencing the legislative, regulatory and judicial branches of state government. The Illinois Chamber is the Statewide Voice of Business.

The Illinois Chamber is dedicated to helping its members understand and easily follow the complexities of state and federal workplace regulations. Member services include conference, webinars, publications on a wide variety of issues important to the business community. Our goal year after year is to improve Illinois’ business climate and increase the competitive advantage for Illinois Chamber members.

Date Category Headline Article Contributor


Start Date Candidate Category Ad Tone Lng Title Run Time Contributor

IL US Senate - Nov 02, 2010 R Mark Kirk
IL Governor - Nov 07, 2006 R Judy Baar Topinka
Cook County Board President - Nov 07, 2006 R Tony Peraica
Cook County Board President- D Primary - Mar 21, 2006 D Forrest Claypool