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  Lawrence - History
Parents > United States > Ohio > OH Counties > Lawrence  
Established March 01, 1817
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedRP August 23, 2021 08:16am


February 11, 1840 -

LAWRENCE exchanged small areas with GALLIA. (Ohio Laws 1839, 38th assy., loc., p. 46)

April 01, 1839 - February 11, 1840

LAWRENCE lost small area to GALLIA. (Ohio Laws 1838, 37th assy., loc., p. 229)

March 01, 1826 - April 01, 1839

LAWRENCE lost to SCIOTO. (Ohio Laws 1825, 24th assy., gen., p. 76; Chase, 3:ch. 451/p. 2141)

December 22, 1818 - March 01, 1826

LAWRENCE gained from GALLIA. (Ohio Laws 1818, 17th assy., ch. 2/p. 3; Chase, 3:ch. 420/p. 2129)

March 01, 1818 - December 22, 1818

LAWRENCE lost to SCIOTO. (Ohio Laws 1817, 16th assy., ch. 34/p. 77; Chase 3:ch. 419/p. 2129)

March 01, 1817 - March 01, 1818

LAWRENCE gained small area from SCIOTO. (Ohio Laws 1816, 15th assy., ch. 6/p. 6; Chase, 3:ch. 407/p. 2123)

December 21, 1815 - March 01, 1817

LAWRENCE created from GALLIA and SCIOTO. (Ohio Laws 1815, 14th assy., ch. 8/p. 22; Chase, 3:ch. 403/p. 2121)

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