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  Henderson - History
Parents > United States > North Carolina > NC Counties > Henderson  
Established December 15, 1838
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedRP February 22, 2023 05:26pm


June 18, 1959 -

HENDERSON exchanged with BUNCOMBE. (N.C. Sess. Laws 1959, ch. 1145, sec. 1/pp. 1291-1294)

February 21, 1911 - June 18, 1959

HENDERSON lost to POLK. (N.C. Sess. Laws 1911, pub., ch. 27, sec. 1/p. 59)

February 15, 1861 - February 21, 1911

HENDERSON lost to creation of TRANSYLVANIA. (N.C. Sess. Laws 1860-1861, pub., ch. 10, sec. 1/p. 19)

January 20, 1855 - February 15, 1861

HENDERSON lost to re-creation of POLK. (N.C. Sess. Laws 1854-1855, pub., ch. 10, sec. 1/pp. 26-27)

January 28, 1851 - January 20, 1855

HENDERSON gained from BUNCOMBE. (N.C. Sess. Laws 1850-1851, ch. 45, secs. 1-4/pp. 113-114)

January 26, 1849 - January 28, 1851

HENDERSON regained territory lost to creation of POLK in 1847 when POLK's creation repealed on 16 Jan 1849. (N.C. Sess. Laws 1848-1849, ch. 19, secs. 1-2/pp. 51-55)

January 18, 1847 - January 26, 1849

HENDERSON lost to creation of POLK. (N.C. Sess. Laws 1846-1847, ch. 26, sec. 1/pp. 80-81)

December 09, 1844 - January 18, 1847

HENDERSON gained from RUTHERFORD. (N.C. Sess. Laws 1844-1845, pub., ch. 24, secs. 1-2/pp. 30-31)

December 15, 1838 - December 09, 1844

HENDERSON created from BUNCOMBE. (N.C. Sess. Laws 1838-1839, pub., ch. 12, sec. 1/pp. 20-21)

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