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  Queens - History
Parents > United States > New York > NY Counties > Queens  
Established 00, 0000
Disbanded Still Active
Last Modifiedbudgeteer July 22, 2012 10:52am
DescriptionSite of Citifield, home of New York Mets, and Arthur Ashe Tennis Stadium, home of U.S. Open.
Hosted Worlds Fairs in 1939 and 1964.
Site of LaGuardia Airport
Home of St. Johns University and Queens College.


April 16, 1964 -

QUEENS lost South Brother Island to BRONX. (N.Y. Laws 1964, 187th sess., ch. 578/p. 1606)

January 01, 1899 - April 16, 1964

QUEENS lost to creation of NASSAU. (N.Y. Laws 1899, 121st sess., ch. 588, sec. 1/p. 1336)

June 15, 1886 - January 01, 1899

QUEENS lost to SUFFOLK when town of Huntington gained Lloyd's Neck from town of Oyster Bay. (N.Y. Laws 1886, 109th sess., ch. 667/pp. 956-957)

May 08, 1884 - June 15, 1886

QUEENS lost Rikers Island to New York. (N.Y. Laws 1884, 107th sess., ch. 262/p. 328)

June 08, 1881 - May 08, 1884

QUEENS lost North Brother Island to NEW YORK. (N.Y. Laws 1881, 104th sess., ch. 478, sec. 1/p. 649)

October 01, 1691 - June 08, 1881

QUEENS gained all of Non-County area 1 (the Brother Islands and Huletts [now Rikers] Island). (N.Y. Col. Laws, ch. 17/1:268)

November 01, 1683 - October 01, 1691

QUEENS created from Yorkshire, which had been organized in 1664. (N.Y. Col. Laws, ch. 4/1:122)

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