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  Delaware - History
Parents > United States > New York > NY Counties > Delaware  
Established March 10, 1797
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedCaprice December 27, 2018 01:15pm


April 12, 1822 -

DELAWARE lost to OTSEGO. (N.Y. Laws 1822, 45th sess., ch. 210/p. 206)

March 31, 1817 - April 12, 1822

DELAWARE gained from OTSEGO. (N.Y. Laws 1816, 40th sess., ch. 140/p. 146)

June 08, 1812 - March 31, 1817

DELAWARE lost small area to ULSTER. (N.Y. Laws 1812, 35th sess., ch. 88/p. 427)

April 03, 1801 - June 08, 1812

DELAWARE gained from ULSTER, lost to GREENE. (N.Y. Laws 1801, 24th sess., ch. 123/p. 290)

March 10, 1797 - April 03, 1801

DELAWARE created from OTSEGO and ULSTER. (N.Y. Laws 1797, 20th sess., ch. 33/p. 39)

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