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  Eddy - History
Parents > United States > New Mexico > NM Counties > Eddy  
Established February 25, 1889
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedBrentinCO December 26, 2020 12:45pm
DescriptionCreated in 1889 and named for Charles B. Eddy, a developer in the area; county seat is Carlsbad.


June 08, 1917 -

EDDY lost to creation of LEA. (N.M. Laws 1917, 3rd reg. sess., ch. 23/pp. 108-110)

January 16, 1895 - June 08, 1917

EDDY gained from LINCOLN. (N.M. Terr. Laws 1895, 31st assy., ch. 11/p. 42)

January 01, 1891 - January 16, 1895

EDDY created by New Mexico Terr. from LINCOLN. (N.M. Terr. Laws 1888, 28th assy., ch. 87/pp. 202-207)

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