| MAPS |
February 07, 1857 -
DOUGLAS gained from DODGE, lost to creation of SARPY.
(Neb. Terr. Laws 1857, 3d reg. sess., p. 279)
January 26, 1856 -
February 07, 1857
(Neb. Terr. Laws 1855-1856, 2d reg. sess., p. 217)
March 16, 1855 -
January 26, 1856
DOUGLAS gained from WASHINGTON, exchanged with DODGE.
(Neb. Terr. Laws 1855, 1st reg. sess., p. 340)
November 23, 1854 -
March 16, 1855
DOUGLAS created by proclamation of the acting governor of Nebraska Territory from non-county area.
(Neb. Terr. Gov. Proc. 1854, p. 47)