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  Lake - History
Parents > United States > Minnesota > MN Counties > Lake  
Established March 01, 1856
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedRP November 25, 2017 10:43am


April 09, 1895 -

LAKE gained from ST. LOUIS. Since 1856 the boundary had run due north from the mouth of the Knife River; in 1895 it was moved west to the range line. (Minn. Laws 1895, gen., ch. 248, sec. 1/p.622)

November 03, 1874 - April 09, 1895

LAKE lost to creation of COOK. (Minn. Laws 1874, gen., ch. 100, secs. 1-3, 11/pp. 242-245)

March 01, 1856 - November 03, 1874

ST. LOUIS (original) renamed LAKE. (Minn. Terr. Laws 1856, ch. 35, secs. 1-4/p. 63)

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