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  Kent - History
Parents > United States > Maryland > MD Counties > Kent  
Established August 02, 1642
Disbanded Still Active
Last ModifiedRP February 05, 2023 02:00pm
DescriptionKent was first mentioned as a county in 1642, when the Governor and Council appointed commissioners for the Isle and County of Kent. The County was named for the county of the same name bordering the English Channel in the southeast of England.


May 01, 1707 -

KENT gained from CECIL, lost to creation of QUEEN ANNES. (Archives of Md., 26:621)

April 23, 1696 - May 01, 1707

KENT exchanged with TALBOT. (Archives of Md., 19:213, 214)

June 19, 1674 - April 23, 1696

KENT gained from CECIL; boundary is estimated. (Archives of Md., 15:41)

June 06, 1674 - June 19, 1674

By 6 June 1674, KENT lost to creation of CECIL. (Archives of Md., 15:38-39)

June 04, 1671 - June 06, 1674

KENT gained from TALBOT; boundaries are estimated. (Hanson, 221-222)

February 18, 1662 - June 04, 1671

By 18 February 1661/1662, KENT lost to creation of TALBOT. (Archives of Md., 1:425)

January 12, 1660 - February 18, 1662

By 12 January 1659/1660, KENT lost to creation of BALTIMORE. (Archives of Md., 1:381)

August 02, 1642 - January 12, 1660

By 2 August 1642, KENT was created from ST. MARYS to serve the east side of Chesapeake Bay; territorial limits were not specified, and boundaries are estimated. (Archives of Md., 3:105)

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